Pupils at St Clare’s have a wide range of opportunities to encounter God and to explore and deepen their faith. Through Collective Worship, Religious Education lessons and the Catholic ethos of the school, we enable children to come to know and love God. Christ is at the centre of everything we do. Our curriculum reflects the Gospel values and these permeate through every school policy as we encourage our pupils to be committed to being responsible citizens, valuing themselves, others and the world around them.
The school environment is rich with scripture and displays of children’s RE work, including their personal reflections, prayers, artwork and their retells of Bible stories, along with a focus on St Clare after whom our school is named. Each class has a prayer focus area, with a liturgical cloth in the appropriate colour, a Bible, school prayers, a crucifix, pictures of Pope Francis and Bishop Patrick McKinney, opportunities for spontaneous prayer, Rosary beads and a candle. Statues of Our Lady and images of St Francis can also be found.