Our approved uniform suppliers are:
- Rosebuddies in Loughborough: http://www.rosebuddiesonline.co.uk/
- MyClothing: St. Clare’s Primary School, Coalville, Leicestershire – My Clothing
- School ties and book bags are available from the school office
To help make school uniform as affordable as possible for our parents, we now sell iron on school badges for £1.50 each. These are available from the school office and can be attached to any item (from a supermarket, for example) and can be re-used multiple times.
Expectations for everyday school uniform. These items can be worn at any time of the year:
- Pale blue gingham dress
- Navy knee length skirt
- Navy knee length pinafore
- Grey shorts
- Grey trousers
- Pale blue short-sleeved polo shirt with optional school badge
- Pale blue shirt with school tie
- Grey, navy or white socks or tights
- Navy V-neck jumper or cardigan with required school badge
To clarify, this is the only item which is required that must have the school badge
- Navy V-neck jumper or cardigan
Expectations for PE
- Navy or black PE shorts
- White or navy t-shirt with optional school badge
- Black, navy or grey tracksuit bottoms may be worn over the above in cold weather only
- Sports socks
- Trainers
Expectations for swimming
- Swimming trunks or one-piece swimsuit
- Swimming hat is compulsory
- Goggles are optional
- Towel
Expectations for jewellery and hairstyles
- Watches may be worn, but not smart watches
- Earrings must be simple gold or silvers studs. Earrings must not be worn for PE or swimming, so they either must not be worn or the child must be able to remove them themselves.
- Hair styles – hair longer than shoulder length must be tied up with a plain or gingham blue or black hair tie.
- Extreme hairstyles such as patterns are not allowed.
- Natural coloured hair only.
Expectations for shoes, bags and coats
- Footwear – black or brown shoes or boots, no trainers
- Coats – a waterproof coat in any colour, preferably with a hood, is required for wet weather
- A bag suitable for carrying books is compulsory with branded book bags being available as an option