
In January 2018, Ofsted undertook a short inspection of St Clare’s, concluding that it remained a “Good” school.  The full report can be found here: Ofsted Report 2018


Diocesan Canonical Inspection

Periodically, inspectors from the Diocese visit the school to assess how we teach Religious Education, the Catholic Life of the school and our Collective Worship.  The latest report, dated May 2022 which assesses our school as “Good”, can be found here:  DCI Inspection Report 2022

School Performance

Pupils are assessed at key points during their journey through St Clare’s:

    • At the end of reception, children are assessed against the Early Learning Goals to see if they have achieved a “Good Level of Development” (GLD).
    • In Year 1, children undertake a Phonics Screening Check to assess their early reading of sounds (grapheme-phoneme correspondence).
    • In Year 2, children’s writing is assessed by their teacher and they undertake a maths test and a reading test. These are internally marked and benchmarked against tests taken by pupils nationally.
    • In Year 4, children take a Multiplication Tables Check. This is an electronic test of their knowledge and recall of the times tables up to 12 x 12.
    • In Year 6, children’s writing is assessed by their teacher and they undertake a maths test, grammar and spelling test and a reading test. These are externally marked and bench-marked against tests taken by pupils nationally.

Details of the school’s recent results can be found here: Academic Year 2022 23

To compare St Clare’s performance to other schools, click here: Compare School Performance