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Thank you to our supporters!

With our Summer Fayre not far away now - 1st July - we are delighted that so many companies and organisations are supporting our fundraising through the donation of prizes for our grand raffle! A special shout out goes to Experience Days  who have donated a voucher.  Have a look at their website for lots … Continue reading Thank you to our supporters!

Open Evenings

We will be holding two Open Evenings for parents with children due to start school in August 2022. Please share this information with friends and family to whom this applies.

Inset Day Friday 29th January

Friday 29th January is an Inset Day.  School is closed.

School open Tuesday 26th January

As the state of the roads has improved, St Clare's will re-open for children of key workers and vulnerable children only on Tuesday 26th January.

School Closed Monday 25th January 2021

Good morning, ST CLARE'S CLOSED TODAY The safety of the staff, pupils and their families is my main priority so I am closing St Clare's today. I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, but I have no choice in the circumstances. Online learning will continue today, as will live lessons, so all children can … Continue reading School Closed Monday 25th January 2021

National Lockdown

Follow the government's announcement of a national lockdown, St Clare's will be closed to all but children of key workers and vulnerable children from Tuesday 5th January 2021. Parents should read this letter: Letter to parents re school closure 4.1.2021 Further FAQs are on Class Dojo.

School re-opens on Tuesday 5th January

School is closed to all pupils on Monday 4th January. We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Tuesday 5th January.

Year 6 writing

Look at this amazing creative writing and artwork produced by our fabulous Year 6 children!  Click on the image below to view them.

Advent Liturgy

Our Year 5s led the school in a beautiful Advent Liturgy.  They constructed the Advent wreath in the hall as the chaplains put theirs together in each class.

Christmas Dinner Menu

Don't forget to order your child's Christmas Dinner by Friday 4th December and pay for it on ParentPay. Here is the delicious menu: Christmas Dinner Menu 2020

Remembrance Liturgy

At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, our fabulous chaplaincy team led us in prayer.  We remembered those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom and prayed for peace.

Teaching Assistant Vacancy

We are looking for an experienced teaching assistant to join our team: Click here for more information.

Harvest Liturgy 9th October 2020

As we are currently unable to gather as a school community, we held our Harvest Liturgy virtually this year. Our Year 6 class led our act of collective worship from the hall, with classes joining us virtually from their classrooms, and parents and carers joining us over the internet from their homes. Whilst we did … Continue reading Harvest Liturgy 9th October 2020

Open Evenings for 2021/22 EYFS Intake

Parents and Carers with children due to start school in August 2021 are invited to come to St Clare's for a school tour. Visitors will have the opportunity to look round our new EYFS area and to ask questions of our EYFS teachers. There will also be a brief walk around the rest of the … Continue reading Open Evenings for 2021/22 EYFS Intake

Supporting charities this Harvestime

Our Harvest Liturgy will take place this Friday, led by our Year 6 pupils.  As you are aware, things are a little different this year, but we are striving to deliver a full programme of collective worship for our community. We will be supporting two charities this Harvestime: Coalville Foodbank – we are asking pupils … Continue reading Supporting charities this Harvestime

£180 raised for Macmillan

Our amazing parents and staff bought 180 homemade scones, baked by our very own Mrs Palmer!  At £1 each, that's £180 going to MacMillan Cancer Support.  Thank you for all of your generosity!

Face Coverings

It is recommended by Public Health Leicestershire and by both Leicester City and Leicestershire County Councils that parents should wear face coverings when dropping off and picking up their children from school.  This will contribute to the minimising of transmission of COVID-19.  We thank you for your support and understanding in this regard.

This week’s newsletter now online

Every week, our newsletter, along with any other important communication, will be uploaded to our website, as well as being sent out electronically to all of our parents and carers. Click here to read them.

Behaviour Policy: Coronavirus Addendum

Click below to read our addendum to the behaviour policy which details changes to school rules and procedures as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. These will be shared with the pupils in a child-friendly way when they return to school. Behaviour Policy: Coronavirus Addendum

September 2020 Risk Assessment

Click below to read the measures we are taking to ensure that children and staff at St Clare's are as safe as possible when school reopens on 1st September. Summary of considerations in advance of reopening of schools on Tuesday 1 September 2020

School opens 1st September

We are looking forward to welcoming all children in Years 1 – 6 back to school on Tuesday 1st September.  Our new EYFS children have a staggered start beginning on 1st September.  Please find below some key information.  This should be read carefully as some things have changed since pupils were last in school. We … Continue reading School opens 1st September

Safeguarding Contact Information

Contact information for keyworkers and safeguarding are and School Mobile – 07955772327, (please include the child’s name if you text so that I know who the message is from.)

EYFS New Starters September 2020

Click here to find Information for the new starters September 2020  

New term dates

New term dates added for 2020-2021 and 2021-22 Please Note the changes to INSET days. Click here for view